


糖尿病或近視長者易患白內障 眼科專科醫生:白內障手術應及早做 人工晶體技術解決近視及老花





患白內障愈趨年輕化 林順潮醫生:手術最重要令病人安心 乾眼病人不宜做手術 -


長者眼球收縮易患飛蚊症及閃光 深近視可變視網膜脫落 眼科醫生


長者眼球收縮易患飛蚊症及閃光 深近視可變視網膜脫落 眼科醫生:老花近視可共存


傳統矯視易角膜反 全飛秒激光矯視後遺症風險低

傳統矯視易角膜反 全飛秒激光矯視後遺症風險低 毋需揭開眼角膜完整度較好 眼科醫生:眼角膜薄或瞳孔太大不宜做手術










New Statement from the WCO President (July 28, 2020)

New Statement from the World Council of Optometry President


July 28, 2020

Dear members and followers,

      We are now in the second half of 2020 and WCO would like to acknowledge all of you for your ongoing efforts to move forward and be a guiding light for others as we try to navigate out of the pandemic. It takes a community effort to make a notable difference and it is not easy, so we would like to say thank you for your efforts in the fight against COVID-19. Although we are not yet fully recovered globally, with continued planning and thoughtful execution we can continue to take steps in the right direction. 

Governments have taken different approaches to contain COVID-19, and many countries are still battling the virus. Some areas might be facing the second or third wave of the pandemic. Until a vaccine is found and is accessible, it is just as important as it was in the beginning of 2020 to continue to take precautions. Therefore, we would like to recirculate some of the basic guidelines to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. With new information coming in daily, reminders can always bring us back to basic principles that otherwise may be forgotten or overlooked. These and more information can be found on our COVID-19 news page and the World Health Organization’s (WHO) website.   

Proper handwashing technique
How to wear a mask safely
Social distancing and other guidelines

The WCO is here to support you and we will continue to release information as the situation
evolves. In the meantime, stay safe and well. 


Mr. Paul Folkesson
World Council of Optometry President


Clean hands protect against infection

Protect yourself

  • Clean your hands regularly.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water, and dry them thoroughly.
  • Use alcohol-based handrub if you don’t have immediate access to soap and water.

How do I wash my hands properly?

Washing your hands properly takes about as long as singing "Happy Birthday" twice,
using the images below.