
Myopia Management Interventions / Options including FDA Study and 6 Year Clinical Update (Webinar)

CooperVision 5-Chapter Myopia Management Webinar Series

Chapter 2: Myopia Management Interventions / Options including FDA Study and 6 Year Clinical Update 


Prof. Nicola Logan
Director of Research for the Optometry and
Vision Science Research Group, School of
Optometry, Aston University, Birmingham, UK 

Paul Chamberlain
Director of Research Programs



This CPD is co-organized by CooperVision Hong Kong, HKAPPO, HKSPO and HKAOK.

To gain the CPD point in HK, you will be required to attend the webinar and complete a
post webinar quiz. Please kindly input your Professional Registration Number (OP Number) and Full Name correctly during registration. 


Please click here to register.


 Date: 6th April 2021 (Tuesday)

Time: 10:00 – 11:00am(HKT)

CPD: 1 CPD Point*











專 業 守 則




弱視治療:由遮眼至虛擬實景的演進 (網上講座)


香港理工大學眼科視光學院及香港科學館將舉辦香港科學節2021 -「弱視治療:由遮眼至虛擬實景的演進」網上講座,現誠邀您參與,詳情請參閱以下資料及海報:


日期 : 2021年4月10日 (星期六)

時間 : 上午10:00 至 11:00

平台 : 網上講座 (Zoom)

語言 : 廣東話

講者 : 彭志剛醫療科學博士 (香港理工大學眼科視光學院副顧問眼科視光師)


講座已經完成,有關 Zoom 錄影請按以下連結:



世界眼科視光學理事會 (World Council of Optometry) 與 CooperVision 攜手合作, 制定並推廣一套治療近視加深的護理標準

The World Council of Optometry and CooperVision Partner to Define and Promote a Standard of Care to Treat Myopia Progression

 Dear Colleagues,

I am very pleased to share with you that the World Council of Optometry has entered into a global partnership with CooperVision to raise awareness of myopia progression and encourage optometrists to embrace a standard of care to manage the condition. You can read our announcement of the partnership by clicking here. The press release is attached along with translations in Arabic, Chinese (HK & SG), English (GB), French, and Spanish (ES & MX) to facilitate your distribution to members and colleagues.
Despite the increased prevalence, growing severity, detrimental impacts on visual health and proven treatments, a standard of care to apply methods to stem myopia progression does not exist. As a global organization committed to promoting eye health and vision care, WCO is proud to take an active leadership role to define and promote a standard of care that will be centered around evidenced-based approaches without bias toward any particular treatment methodologies.
CooperVision has been a leader in the myopia management category over the past decade. Our partnership will establish a global resource to include multi-lingual myopia management resources, programming, and other elements to increase access across certain sectors and countries in support of the global optometry community.
In order for our efforts to have a positive impact on the billions of people affected by myopia, we need your help. We are asking you to make the treatment of myopia progression a top priority within your regions, associations and practices. As we work together to share our collective knowledge and best practices, we will make significant progress to address this widespread epidemic facing the global optometry profession. I look forward to sharing more about this exciting partnership over the weeks and months to come.


Paul Folkesson 


World Council of Optometry




眼壓過高易患青光眼 眼睛脹痛屬初期眼疾徵狀

 眼壓過高易患青光眼 眼睛脹痛屬初期眼疾徵狀

護眼十式坐姿正確、多眨眼 長者可用醫療券接受眼科服務 - 鄭丹瑞 《健康旦》


(如果手機看不到影片,請按下方 “ 查看網絡版本” 或者直接按 這裡 )


香港光學會會長 關國輝先生 接受 健康旦鄭丹瑞先生 訪問



Myopia Epidemiology and Comorbidities



Myopia Epidemiology and Comorbidities

Date: 3rd March 2021 (Wednesday)

Time: 8:00 – 9:00pm (HKT)

CPD: 1 CPD Point*

 *This CPD is co-organized by CooperVision Hong Kong, HKAPPO, HKSPO and HKAOK. To gain the CPD point in HK, you will be required to attend the webinar and complete a post webinar quiz. Please kindly input your Professional Registration Number (OP Number) and Full Name correctly during registration.










Prof SAW Seang Mei
NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health (Joint)
SERI Professor of Ophthalmology Research, Eye ACP, Duke-NUS Medical School (Primary)
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (Joint)

 Research Areas
Epidemiology of chronic diseases, especially eye diseases
Epidemiology and Genetics of myopia

Teaching Areas

Academic/Professional Qualifications
MBBS (1988), National University of Singapore
MPH (1995), Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health, USA
PhD (1998), Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health, USA
FAMS (2001)
FARVO (2012)

Hugo Lumbreras Silver Medal for overall best academic performance: Gorgas Diploma Course in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene


 Please click here to register.