
Guidebook 更改個人資料

Guidebook 更改個人資料
Guidebook Change personal details

由 4 個預獲核准課程籌辦機構(APP)合力營運的 Guidebook 已推出超過一年,在此再次多謝各位的支持。

長遠而言,我們希望各位可以經過 Guidebook 接收持續專業發展活動的資訊及記錄每年的學分,亦讓我們可以透過 Guidebook 登記你的出席。為方便各 APP 辨識
各位的身分,希望各位依照以下的要求覆核你的 Guidebook 登入資料。

請將「First Name」改為你的英文全名和將「Last Name」改為你的視光師註册編號。詳細步驟可參閱以下網址:

在 2020 年 6 月 30 日後,如 APP 未能從登入資料辨識你的身分,你的帳戶將有機會未能正常登入。謝謝

PHF format:

The First & Only FDA approved

The First & Only FDA approved.



Letter to healthcare professionals on 04/02/2020: Prevention of Severe Respiratory Disease associated with a Novel Infectious Agent (3rd letter)

Letter to healthcare professionals on 04/02/2020: Prevention of Severe Respiratory Disease associated with a Novel Infectious Agent (3rd letter) 

 Dear Sir / Madam,

Further to the previous email dated 23 Jan 2020, we would like to provide you updates on the development of novel coronavirus (nCoV) infection and step-up recommendations on the infection control measures and advice.  

As of 2 Feb 2020, there were 15 confirmed cases of nCoV infection in Hong Kong.  The place of infection of two cases were under investigation but the possibility of locally acquired infections exist.  There is clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of nCoV.  Besides, it was reported that cases might be infectious even before the onset of symptoms.  In this connection, we would like to alert healthcare workers to remain vigilant in adopting stringent infection control measures to reduce the risk of transmission from silent or suspected patients in healthcare settings. Healthcare workers are advised to follow the relevant recommendations and interim guidelines as listed in the attached letter.

I should be most grateful if you could pass the letter to members of your society / association.

Yours sincerely,

(Dr Kellie SO)
for Director of Health



Alert: Important coronavirus context for ophthalmologists

Alert: Important coronavirus context for ophthalmologists 

Steps you should take

It is recommended that you evaluate your patients for the following factors to identify possible exposure to 2019-nCoV:
  • Does your patient present for conjunctivitis?
  • Does your patient also have respiratory symptoms?
  • Has your patient recently traveled internationally?
  • Does their international travel include a recent trip to China or with family members recently back from China?
