
Role of Spatial Content in Refractive Development - Sharing on Spatial Frequencies and Optical Defocus

 Role of Spatial Content in Refractive Development - Sharing on Spatial Frequencies and Optical Defocus

Dr Chan Ho Lung and Dr Choi Kai Yip
Date: 17 Aug 2021 (Tue)
Time: 09:30-10:30
CPD: 1.0 CPD hour (

演講語言: 廣東話

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The myopia boom in the recent decades has been mostly attributed to the environmental exposure, in which different visual stimuli could have effect on myopia development in children. Underlying the consensual protective effective of outdoor activities, which appears to be a superficial outcome of combined alleviating factors, research has been focusing on individual risk factors that could modulate the refractive error development, such as lighting and physical activities. In the current seminar, several studies by the School of Optometry, HKPU will be shared, along with other classic studies from the literature, covering from retinal electrophysiological level to epidemiological level.
The role of spatial content, namely the spatial frequency and optical defocus, of the central and surrounding visual stimuli in childhood refractive development will be discussed.

Dr. Henry CHAN Ho-lung obtained the Professional Diploma in Optometry from the Hong Kong Polytechnic and his PhD degree from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He is now an Associate Professor and has been working and teaching in the University for more than 20 years. He is currently an Honorary Associate Professor of the Department of Ophthalmology, The University of Hong Kong, and a Fellow of the American Academy of Optometry. Dr. Chan is one of the leading researchers in visual electrophysiology, utilising the multifocal electroretinography to study various vision-related aspects including but not limited to retinal circuitry, retinitis pigmentosa, glaucoma, traditional Chinese herbal medicines, and refractive error, whose work has been published in numerous international journals.

Dr. CHOI Kai Yip obtained his BSc (Hons) in Optometry from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2014. Upon graduation, he had been working in the university optometry clinic as a Resident Optometrist specialised in visual electrophysiology, and at the same time completed his PhD study recently in 2020. His research has been focusing on the effect of the environment on childhood myopia development, particularly living environment, under the supervision of Dr. Henry Chan. The team was the first to report the relationship between home size, as well as the 3D scene defocus profile in a near work environment, and myopia development in children. Dr. Choi and his team now work closely with NGOs to seek opportunity on collaborative research and community work to benefit underprivileged children with limited living environment.


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【護協】8月會訊 及 中秋特色月餅及食品特刊

【護協】8月會訊 及 中秋特色月餅及食品特刊







 護協 2019年中秋特色月餅及食品特刊 中秋貨品表格





香港光學會 致力護學童視力

 香港光學會 致力護學童視力

及早精準檢查 減慢近視加深速度


近視控制鏡片 控制效果顯著
至於小朋友配戴一般單光近視鏡片又是否足夠?關會長指, 近視患者因眼球過長令影像聚焦在視網膜前,故配戴一般單光 近視鏡片可矯正視力,使焦點正確地投射在視網膜上,讓配戴者重獲清晰視力。但由於一 般單光近視鏡片產生較 平面的影像,在眼球周邊形成遠視性離 焦,周邊的遠視性 離焦會引起眼軸增長,令近視加深。因此一般單光近視鏡片雖能矯正視力,但卻不能控制眼軸增長,控制近視加深。「假設一個六歲小朋友近視本身一百度,如果配戴單光近視鏡片,估計到十七歲就會有近 七百度近視;但假如有採用近視控制方案,假設控制率50%· 長大至十七歲時,近視大約就只會升到四百度。」 至於家長關心的控制近視方案有多種,關會長說·常見的 近視控制方案包括配戴近視控制鏡片、軟性多焦點隱形眼、 Ortho-K角膜矯形鏡、使用阿托品眼藥水等,使用方法各異、效 果亦不一。當中他建議選用近視控制鏡片,最新推出的控制近視 鏡片之近視控制效果相當顯著,每日最少配戴十二小時可以減慢 近視加深平均達67%,同時保持清晰銳利的視覺。因為它是非入侵性、不用接觸眼球,沒有副作用,安全易用,適合任何年齡的 小朋友。另外,近視控制鏡片可以配搭藍光鍍膜·能過濾有害藍 紫光,同時讓有益藍綠光通過,適合經常使用電子產品昀學童。 

至於護眼方法,關會長指,近視的成因分為先天及後天因素·後天因素主要是不良生活習慣及生活環境所影響,「曾有一對父母無近視,但小朋友就有幾百度近視·所以後天的影響很大。建議減少長時間使用電子產品,多作戶外活動,並可以遵循2 0-20-20法則·使眼睛得到適當放鬆:即每次看近距離的電子產品或物件20分鐘,便要休息20秒·望向20呎以外的遠距離事物,讓眼睛鬆一鬆!」

香港光學會 力拓眼睛健康資訊





Electronic Health Record Sharing System

更多醫護專業人員可以 取覽電子健康紀錄





香港光學會幫緊你 視光師幫到你!



2021年,全世界都受疫情COVID-19的陰霾籠罩下,很多活動都不能舉行,很多工作都不能正常運 作!對於學會來說,大型活動譬如現場講座Seminar「或視力篩查 Vision Screening 都不能舉辦! 學會唯有用另類型式去提供不同程度上的教育工作及社區服務。我們分別在2月及5月與地區醫療機構及慈善團體合辦網上訪談節目及講座,為普羅大眾講解眼睛健康常識。


「長者眼部護理及認識眼病眼疾的初期徵兆」訪談節目一香港光學會及香港醫藥援助會(PCHK)合辦 。


為龍耳 SILENCE 提供「線上眼部健康研討會」。

香港光學會會長 關國輝先生 接受 健康旦鄭丹瑞 訪問

眼壓過高易患青光眼 眼睛脹痛屬初期眼疾徵狀 

香港光學會提供的眼科健康講座 (龍耳)

刊登在 《視覺生活》(VMAGAZINE) 




SILSOFT® (elastofilcon A) 隱形眼鏡產品更新

 SILSOFT® (elastofilcon A) 隱形眼鏡產品更新

 SILSOFT® (elastofilcon A) Contact Lenses Product Update

 Dear Eye Care Professional, 

This is to inform that as of September 2021, Bausch + Lomb will no longer offer SILSOFT® (elastofilcon A) contact lenses in Hong Kong. Due to a combination of supplier changes, obsolescence of a critical component and regulatory requirements, we have been compelled to discontinue the product. Together with industry experts, we investigated all possible alternatives. Regrettably, none of these options were able to meet the needs of Medical Device Regulation.
Our SILSOFT® lenses will remain on the market until the existing stock has been depleted, which we expect could occur by September 2021. While we are discontinuing the product, we are continuing to pursue options that may allow us to provide you with these lenses in the future. However, this would take time as it would need to go through appropriate tests, approval from U.S. FDA and local health authority before we can supply the market locally.
Based on our records, you have been fitting SILSOFT® contact lenses for your patients. I felt it is appropriate to notify you at this stage to allow you to begin to transition your patients.
Bausch + Lomb is deeply committed to providing the highest quality of products and service, and I regret the inconvenience that this discontinuation may cause for you and your patients. If you have any questions, please contact your Bausch + Lomb sales representative or our Customer Service team at 2567 9909.
It is our greatest privilege and honor to serve you and your patients with our eye health portfolio, and we thank you for your support and understanding. 
Jeff Ho
General Manager
Vision Care, Hong Kong
Bausch + Lomb












多區正向光學離焦鏡 -三年近 視控制結果

多區正向光學離焦鏡 -三年近視控制結果

Myopia control with DIMS lens- 3years results

講者: Professor Carly Lam 林小燕教授
Professor of the School of Optometry, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (香港

 形式: 即時網上講座(Zoom) 

演講語言: 廣東話 (簡報內容: 英文)

日期: 2021年7月13日 (星期二)香港時間晚上 7 時 30 分至 8 時 30 分

截止報名日期和時間: 2021 年 7 月 11 日(星期日), 晚上 11 時 59 分

費用: 全免

學分: 1.0 (出席 + 於測驗中獲 ≥70% 分數)

報名連結: https://forms.gle/tidEbLG4jW7MZBuM7

委員會註冊的資料。請瀏覽 http://www.smp-council.org.hk/op/en/content.php?page=reg_reg