Role of Spatial Content in Refractive Development - Sharing on Spatial Frequencies and Optical Defocus
Dr Chan Ho Lung and Dr Choi Kai Yip
Date: 17 Aug 2021 (Tue)
Time: 09:30-10:30
CPD: 1.0 CPD hour (NAPP2103)
演講語言: 廣東話
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The myopia boom in the recent decades has been mostly attributed to the environmental exposure, in which different visual stimuli could have effect on myopia development in children. Underlying the consensual protective effective of outdoor activities, which appears to be a superficial outcome of combined alleviating factors, research has been focusing on individual risk factors that could modulate the refractive error development, such as lighting and physical activities. In the current seminar, several studies by the School of Optometry, HKPU will be shared, along with other classic studies from the literature, covering from retinal electrophysiological level to epidemiological level.
The role of spatial content, namely the spatial frequency and optical defocus, of the central and surrounding visual stimuli in childhood refractive development will be discussed.
Dr. Henry CHAN Ho-lung obtained the Professional Diploma in Optometry from the Hong Kong Polytechnic and his PhD degree from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He is now an Associate Professor and has been working and teaching in the University for more than 20 years. He is currently an Honorary Associate Professor of the Department of Ophthalmology, The University of Hong Kong, and a Fellow of the American Academy of Optometry. Dr. Chan is one of the leading researchers in visual electrophysiology, utilising the multifocal electroretinography to study various vision-related aspects including but not limited to retinal circuitry, retinitis pigmentosa, glaucoma, traditional Chinese herbal medicines, and refractive error, whose work has been published in numerous international journals.
Dr. CHOI Kai Yip obtained his BSc (Hons) in Optometry from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2014. Upon graduation, he had been working in the university optometry clinic as a Resident Optometrist specialised in visual electrophysiology, and at the same time completed his PhD study recently in 2020. His research has been focusing on the effect of the environment on childhood myopia development, particularly living environment, under the supervision of Dr. Henry Chan. The team was the first to report the relationship between home size, as well as the 3D scene defocus profile in a near work environment, and myopia development in children. Dr. Choi and his team now work closely with NGOs to seek opportunity on collaborative research and community work to benefit underprivileged children with limited living environment.
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