
Introduction to Aniseikonia and Aniseikonia Management with optical and contact lens correction (友會提供講座)


 Dear HKOA,

HKAOK and HKCCLS would like to invite your members to join our OCT online CE, more details as below:

Topics: Introduction to Aniseikonia and Aniseikonia Management with optical and contact lens correction
Speakers: Dr Gerard de Wit (Netherlands - English only)
Date: 28/10/2021 (Thursday)
Time: 20:30 - 21:30 (HK time) (1 CPD approved)
Mode: Online meeting using Zoom
- pls prepare a pair of red/green glasses for this CE

HKAOK member: Fee waived
non HKAOK members $300
1. Bank in payment to ICBC 072-7185-0200-5808 or
2. PayMe (Helen Eng 91268299)
Then send the bank in receipt/message to 5403-9798 by whatsapp

To register, please click the link below to join:

Introduction of this CE (youtube video link):

Yours truly,
HKAOK Secretariat

