Dear HKOA,
HKAOK and HKCCLS would like to invite your members to join our OCT online CE, more details as below:
Topics: Introduction to Aniseikonia and Aniseikonia Management with optical and contact lens correction
Speakers: Dr Gerard de Wit (Netherlands - English only)
Date: 28/10/2021 (Thursday)
Time: 20:30 - 21:30 (HK time) (1 CPD approved)
Mode: Online meeting using Zoom
- pls prepare a pair of red/green glasses for this CE
HKAOK member: Fee waived
non HKAOK members $300:
1. Bank in payment to ICBC 072-7185-0200-5808 or
2. PayMe (Helen Eng 91268299)
Then send the bank in receipt/message to 5403-9798 by whatsapp
To register, please click the link below to join:
Introduction of this CE (youtube video link):
Yours truly,
HKAOK Secretariat