
World Sight Day 2021 #LoveYourEyes

 World Sight Day 2021 


This World Sight Day, WCO is joining IAPB in their aim to get one million people to have their eyes tested! Make sure that EVERYONE COUNTS and pledge to #LoveYourEyes to help us towards our million target and help draw attention to the importance of eye health for all. 

There's STILL TIME! — Pledge YOUR Test And Help Us Reach Our Goal!

Pledge to #LoveYourEyes to help us towards our million target and help draw attention to the importance of eye health for all! 

When was the last time you got your eyesight checked? As an individual, you can make a pledge to get your eyes tested! If you are an eye health professional, you may also pledge the number of eye exams, screenings, or surgeries your organization has done this month prior to World Sight Day tomorrow!


Hong Kong Optometric Association is a Country Member of World Council Of Optometry.


