
Defocus Incorporated Multiple Incorporate Soft Contact (DISC) and Orthokeratology

 Central Commissioned Training Programme 2022/23
Myopic defocus in myopic control: Defocus Incorporated Multiple
Incorporate Soft Contact (DISC) and Orthokeratology

Organized by Institute of Advanced Allied Health Studies / Sub-committee for Optometry & Orthoptics

Date: 15 &16 December 2022
Time: 17:30 – 20 :30 (login starts at: 17:15)
Program Design; Lecture
Mode of Delivery: Zoom
Program Fee /person: HK$ 530  

Aim: To equip optometrists for updated myopia control in public hospital setting
Objective/ Intended Learning Outcome:
- To update knowledge on the principle & effectiveness of myopic control methods with myopic
- To strengthen optometrists' clinical knowledge for treating patients with high myopia.
Target Participant(s): non-HA Optometrists
Class Capacity: 7 non-HA Optometrists (Quota will be allocated on first come, first serve basis)
CPD Points: Pending for the advice from Optometrists Board
- Each participant is required complete the online quiz of which is credit-gaining at eLC+ (HA’s e-Learning platform), upon program completion
- The maximum attempts on the quiz for each participant are 2 and the passing rate is 70%.
- As advised by the Optometrists Board, participant who failed the quiz would NOT be awarded the CPD points
Language Medium: English supplemented with Cantonese
Program Requirement: Certificate of Attendance would be awarded to participant who have
 attended no less than 80 % of overall program.
- Attendance will be captured according to your login and logout time in Zoom®
- As required by Optometrists Board, no certificate of attendance
would be issued to attendees who are late or who leave before
the end of the activities for over 15 minutes.
Deadline for Application: 15 Nov 2022  

 Dr. NG Sheung Shun Vincent, BSc (Hons) Optom, Ph.D, FAAO
- Dr. Vincent Ng obtained his Bachelor of Optometry and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in
1995 and 2002 respectively from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). He is
currently the Associate Consultant Optometrist of the School of Optometry in PolyU. He
has been the fellow of the American Academy of Optometry since 2004, and the
credentialed optometrist of the New Zealand Civil Aviation Authority since 2005. In 2012,
he became a fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Orthokeratology.
- Dr. Ng is currently the president of the Hong Kong Society of Professional Optometrist. He
is also the member of Education Committee, and the member of Working Group on the
Overall Review of the Code of Practice for Registered Optometrist, under Optometrists
Board of Hong Kong.
- He is leading the Myopia Team in the PolyU Optometry Clinic, responsible for the
development of myopia management clinical services. His clinical specialty is myopia
management, and his clinical interests include posterior ocular changes associated with
high myopia, advanced retinal imaging and corneal reshaping therapy.


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