
"Red Eye & Ocular Emergencies" Mini-Symposium presentation and workshop.

 "Red Eye & Ocular Emergencies" Mini-Symposium presentation and workshop

 Dear HKOA, 

Season's Greetings for Xmas Holiday! We would like to inform your members of our upcoming Jan CE. HKAOK will start off the New Year 2023 with "Red Eye & Ocular Emergencies" Mini-Symposium presentation and workshop.

Veterinary Ophthalmologist Dr Derek Chow and ophthalmologist Dr Jennifer Shum will be presenting online on "Red eyes and ocular emergencies in  Animals and Human" 

Date:  Thu 5-Jan-2023
Time: 9:35am- 1:00pm
Registration link:
Fee: $ 500 non-members, $300 associate members, waived for HKAOK

Workshop - hands-on at HK Scout Center Rm 1104 (limited quota and priority for HKAOK members)
Group 1: 9:30am -11:00 am 
Group 2 11:00am - 12:30am 
Fee: $400 for non-members, $200 associate members, waived for HKAOK

Products Demonstration of idra (15mins)

DRL info booth and Myopia Master will be on display too. 
Should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact by email or whatsapp 54039798.




備註:如有任何疑問,請向主辦機構單位查詢,香港光學會 只代為發放資訊。

