Unmasking the myths of the real truth about contact lenses
Topic : 題目: | Unmasking the myths of the real truth about contact lenses | |
Speaker: 講者: | Mr. Jimmy Tse Assistant Professor of Practice at HKPU | |
Date: 日期: | 7 November, 2023 (Tuesday) 2023年11月7日(星期二) | |
Time: 時間: | 7:30 pm to 9:00pm, HKT 香港時間晚上7時30分至9時正 | |
Deadline of Registration: 截止報名日期及時間: | 5 November, 2023 (Sunday) @ 23:59 2023 年 11月 5 日 (星期 日 ), 晚上 11 時 59 分 | |
Modality: 形式: | LIVE Zoom webinar 即時網上講座 (Zoom) | |
Language: 演講語言: | Cantonese 廣東話 | |
CPD: 學分: | CPD point: 1.5* (Attendance + ≥70% correct in MCQ, max 2 attempts) 1.5學分* (出席 + 於測驗中獲 ≥70% 分數, ) | |
CPD code: 課程編號: | APPO2302 | |
Fee: 費用: | Waived (Sponsored by Johnson & Johnson Vision) 全免 (由強生視力贊助 ) | |
Remarks: 備註: | In order to facilitate the registration and the issuing of electronic CPD certificate, please input your information as registered with the Optometrists Board in the following application form. Please refer to https://www.smp-council.org.hk/op/en/content.php?page=reg_reg for your reference. 為方便登記及分發電子學分證書,請於下列報名表格中輸入閣下在視光 師管理委員會註冊的資料。請瀏覽 https://www.smp-council.org.hk/op/tc/content.php?page=reg_reg 以作參考。 | |
Registration: 報名登記:
| Please register by scanning the QR code or by clicking on the following link: 請素描二維碼或按以下連結報名登記 |
備註:如有任何疑問,請向主辦機構單位查詢,香港光學會 只代為發放資訊。