

 Enrolled Health Care Provider Account should not be shared with other persons/不應與他人共用「已登記醫療服務提供者戶口」

27 Jun 2024 23:30

Health Care Voucher Scheme (HCVS) –
Enrolled Health Care Provider Account should not be shared with other persons

It has come to our attention that some Enrolled Health Care Providers (EHCPs) shared his personal “EHCP Account” with other persons for making claims for services that he himself did not provide.

You are hereby reminded that as an EHCP, you are liable for all the claims made under your “EHCP Account”. It is therefore in your own best interest to not allow other persons to use your “EHCP Account” to make voucher claims for healthcare services which you have not provided or are not professionally responsible for.

Please note that you are also responsible for the safekeeping of the authentication token for accessing the eHealth System (Subsidies). While you can delegate your staff to make voucher claims on your behalf by assigning “Data Entry Accounts” created under your “EHCP Account” to them, please be reminded that despite such delegation of data entry duties, you will still be held accountable for any claims made under your EHCP account. To be vigilant, you are advised to check the voucher claims information before confirming and submitting the claims and to review all voucher claims submitted through your EHCP Account regularly to confirm that they are all made in relation to healthcare services that you are responsible for. Please refer to section 4.3 of the “Elderly Health Care Voucher Scheme - Guide for Healthcare Service Provider” (the Guide) for procedures of making voucher claims. The Guide has been uploaded to the HCVS website (https://www.hcv.gov.hk/files/pdf/Guide%20for%20HCSP_Eng.pdf ).

Please note that the Government shall have no obligation to pay any EHCP or his/ her Associated Organization the value of any voucher and may terminate the HCVS Definitions, and Terms and Conditions of Agreement (the Agreement) forthwith if the EHCP or his/ her Associated Organization is in breach of any provisions in the Agreement.

Department of Health
June 2024




請注意,你亦有責任妥善保管用以登入醫健通(資助)系統的認證保安編碼器。雖然你可授權職員使用在你的服務提供者戶口下所開設的「資料輸入戶口」,代你申報醫療券,但即使輸入資料的職責已轉交你的職員,你本人仍須就通過你的服務提供者戶口所作的一切申報承擔責任。因此,請你保持警惕,在確認和提交醫療券申報前務必清楚核對申報資料,並定期覆檢通過你的服務提供者戶口所提交的醫療券申報,以確定各項申報均與你負責的醫療服務有關。如欲了解申報醫療券的程序,請參閱《長者醫療券計劃—醫療服務提供者指南》第4.3段。該指南已上載至醫療券計劃的網站 (https://www.hcv.gov.hk/files/pdf/Guide%20for%20HCSP_Chi.pdf)。



