


日期﹕2024  7  30  (星期二)

時間﹕9:30am – 11:30am 

CPD 編號﹕MULT2403

CPD 學分﹕1.0


語言﹕廣東話 、英文(雙語簡報)

名額﹕1000 (額滿即止)




截止日期﹕2024 7  26  23:59



1.  CPD 學分條件﹕與會人仕需於會議開始後15分鐘內登入及其後全程參與並於測驗成功取得70%或以上(10條問題內,最少答對7),可獲取1分持續發展學分,最多一次補考。2.  如已報名參加現場近視控制科研及發展發佈會的人仕,即不需重新登記(線上)近視管理研討會,若重覆登記,則會保留近視管理研討會的預留位置,(線上)近視管理研討會將自動取消。

3. 此持續進修課程由ZEISS Hong Kong 聯同香港理工大學舉辦,參加者請於登記時正確輸入視光師註用證明書上的英文全名、註冊編號及電郵地址。如有任何爭議,蔡司和香港理工大學將保留最終決定權。


Dr Dennis TSE Yan Yin 謝欣然博士

Prof. Padmaja Sankaridurg

Prof. Padmaja Sankaridurg is Head, Global Myopia Management at ZEISS Vision Care and a Conjoint Professor at the School of Optometry and Vision Science, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. She is an Industry Advisory Board Member and served as Task force Chair at the International Myopia Institute and is a Council Member of International Society for Contact Lens Research. Prof Sankaridurg has been awarded multiple awards including “International Optometrist of the year 2020” by the College Òptics-Optomeristes Catalunya (COOOC), Spain and most recently the Bernard Gilmartin award 2023 for widely read publication in Ophthalmic and Physiological optics for work on myopia. She is an inventor on many patents/applications, authored several book chapters, supervised many postgraduate students, serves on editorial boards for many journals, was involved in development of optical strategies for myopia and was instrumental in the development of many practice aids and guidelines including the BHVI Myopia Calculator and the axial length percentile charts. She appears in the top 50 of “Global Optometrist Top 200 Research ranking” on optomrankings.com. 

