
持續進修課程學術講座2023 (近視控制新科技) (相片)


 (近視控制新科技) (相片)


主題:近視控制新科技(CPD: 1.5)


梁子文先生 (第一部分註冊視光師視覺科技有限公司董事,共同擁有Disc technology 的發明及專利)

杜嗣河教授 (香港理工大學近視控制科技 DISC 發明人)(視像形式進行)

 (Code of CPD Programme: HKOA2202)


地點 :紅磡香港理工大學 文康樓 4 樓 聚賢樓


闊別多時的會員在相聚一刻,朋友般互相慰問, 除掉了讓人抖不過氣的口罩 」,換過來的是一張張可愛笑容。


講者:梁子文先生 (第一部分註冊視光師,視覺科技有限公司董事,共同擁有 Disc technology 的發明及專利)


由於 杜嗣河教授 以視像形式進行講座。香港光學會會長關國輝先生代表學會致贈感謝狀給講師杜嗣河教授,由 恒視力科技有限公司 Director Mr Tony Lam 代教授接收。
香港光學會會長關國輝先生代表學會致贈感謝狀給 恒視力科技有限公司,感謝有關講座贊助,由 恒視力科技有限公司 Director Mr Clark Chan 代接收。

 講座介紹了發明品:控制近視鏡片的基本原理,當中的理論、實踐和證明等等,由實驗室小雞實驗至到隨機臨床試驗 的心路歷程。由鏡片設計到生產製成品的艱辛故事, 使到在場會員獲益良多。


講座後,恒視力科技有限公司 更為會員準備豐富午膳。




Welcome to the 23rd Asia Pacific Optometric Congress

Welcome to the 23rd Asia Pacific Optometric Congress

View the 2023 APOC




Your World Council of Optometry (WCO) 2023 Membership

Your World Council of Optometry (WCO) 2023 Membership

 Hong Kong Optometric Association

香港光學會是眼科視光學世界理事會(World Council of Optometry)的會員,積極參與促進海內外視光專業知識的交流。


March 22, 2023

Hong Kong Optometric Association

RE: Your World Council of Optometry (WCO) 2023 Membership 

Dear Hong Kong Optometric Association,
Thank you for your World Council of Optometry (WCO) membership for 2023. Your membership empowers WCO’s vision and mission of supporting optometrists in promoting eye health and vision care as a human right, and we thank you for your continued support. We continue to adapt to our changing world by utilizing new technology and opportunities that have emerged and focusing these on a new and positive way forward for the optometric profession.  

 We have been working to bring our members resources to help further global optometry and are looking forward to many new developments in 2023:

• Hosting multiple webinars on the relevant topics of myopia and diabetic retinopathy
• Presenting the online Optometry Leadership & Advocacy Course (OPAL) 
• Continuing our Dry Eye initiative (microsite coming soon)
• Continuing our Myopia Standard of Care and microsite
• Continuing our Grant Program for individuals and educational mentors
• Released our Legislation, Registration, and Standards Toolkit
• Spread our mission through lectures given by our leadership at regional conferences
• Continuing our official relation status with WHO (World Health Organization)
• And more activities listed on our website!

We are also maintaining positive relationships with global health care organizations and our six world regions and look forward to our continuing partnership to expand the breadth and depth of our work. Your membership allows us to continue advancing optometric education and legislation around the world and represents your commitment to optometry globally, and to your patients and colleagues locally.  
We encourage you to display your WCO membership certificate in your office and utilize the enclosed WCO logo for personal or practice use on promotional materials (not to be shared or distributed).   
The WCO can only continue to work on behalf of global optometry with the ongoing support of dedicated members. Thank you for your ongoing support! If you have any questions, please contact kathleen.alonso@worldoptometry.org. 

World Council of Optometry (WCO)




HKSPO x JnJ Vision Global Vision Summit 2023 - Pediatric Eye- Managing Myopia

 HKSPO x JnJ Vision Global Vision Summit 2023 - Pediatric Eye- Managing Myopia

 HKOA members are invited to join HKSPO x JnJ Vision Global Vision Summit 2023.


Date: April 19, 2023 or April 20, 2023

Time: 8pm-9:30pm HK Time


CPD: 1 CPD hour (8 :05 - 9:05 only; quiz ≥70% correct)

Language: English (Chinese subtitles available for presentation session)


For details and registration, please refer to the attached poster.


Register (Option 1)

April 19, 2023 8pm - 9:30pm HK Time


Register (Option 2)

April 20, 20238am - 9:30am HK Time


備註:如有任何疑問,請向主辦機構單位查詢,香港光學會 只代為發放資訊。




香港科學節 2023


香港理工大學眼科視光學院應「香港科學節 2023」邀請,舉辦視覺復康服務與生活小秘訣公眾講座,現誠邀閣下參與,詳情請參閱以下資料及海報:


日期 :          2023年4月15日(星期六)

時間 :          上午11時至下午12時15分

地點 :          香港理工大學 FJ301 室

語言 :          廣東話

講者 :          余泳欣博士 (香港理工大學眼科視光學院臨床導師)

費用:        講座費用全免,歡迎各界人士參加

登記表格 http://bit.ly/3IQ8qGT




Contact Lenses for Presbyopic Astigmats, Changing the Conversation (友會提供講座)

 Contact Lenses for Presbyopic Astigmats, Changing the Conversation

 We would like to invite HKOA members to join the below webinar:


Title: Contact Lenses for Presbyopic Astigmats, Changing the Conversation
Date & Time: 28 Mar 2023 (Tue), 7:30pm – 8:30pm
Deadline of registration: 27 Mar 2023 (Mon), 11:59pm

Speaker: Dr. Vincent Ng Sheung- Shun

Modality: Zoom LIVE webinar

Language: Cantonese (with English in PowerPoint presentation)

CPD code: SPO_2207
CPD point: 1.0 CPD (full attendance* + 70% correct in MCQ)
Fee: Waived (Sponsored by Bausch & Lomb (HK))


Registration link 報名連結:


MCQ quiz link 網上測試連結:


(Link available after the live webinar session  連結只會於講座完結後⽣效)

備註:如有任何疑問,請向主辦機構單位查詢,香港光學會 只代為發放資訊。






【招募近視小朋友】光療法 近視離焦和阿托品藥水控制學童近視眼增長的組合功效:隨機臨床試驗 近視控制研究已推展至嶄新時代,單一療法可能對部分患者作用有限,研究團隊現希望了解組合療法的潛在功效;期望通過更有效的近視控制措施,長遠可以減少由高度近視引起的致盲併發症。 ✉️ 電郵:rif.adm@polyu.edu.hk 

 【Subject Recruitment – Myopic Kids】 This study investigates the potential effect of bright light therapy and its combination with myopic defocus in controlling myopia progression in schoolchildren. The research team hope to reduce sight-threatening complications due to high myopia with the effective myopic control intervention. ✉️ Email: rif.adm@polyu.edu.hk




行為及紀律 註冊視光師專業守則




Conduct and Discipline

Code of Practice
Code of Practice for Registered Optometrists

At its inquiry held in June 2022 in relation to the announcement of the use of Health Care Vouchers, the Optometrists Board wished to remind all registered optometrists to exercise careful judgment in their use of advertising or publicity material, especially when the term of "free" is being used, to prevent any contravention of the requirements of the Code of Practice.


總數 :2240
更新日期:2023年 2月 28日

Registration Summary

The respective numbers of registrants in various parts of the register and the corresponding restrictions on practice are as follows:
PartNo of registrantsRestrictions on practice
II150Not allowed to use any diagnostic agent other than staining agents
III22Not allowed to perform any function or engage in any activity other than work relating to refraction.
IV908Not allowed to perform any function or engage in any activity other than work relating to refraction and contact lenses.


Not allowed to perform any function or engage in any activity other than work relating to refraction.
Total :2240
Last Update : 28 February 2023


持續進修課程學術講座2023 (近視控制新科技)


主題:近視控制新科技(CPD: 1.5)

講者:梁子文先生 (第一部分註冊視光師視覺科技有限公司董事,共同擁有Disc technology 的發明及專利)

         杜嗣河教授 (香港理工大學近視控制科技 DISC 發明人)(視像形式進行)

               (Code of CPD Programme: HKOA2202)


日期         2023328(星期二)

時間         10:30 am (登記),講座11:00am –12:30pm.

地點         紅磡香港理工大學文康樓4樓 聚賢樓

午膳         講座後 (12:30pm-2:00pm),在聚賢樓中菜廳提供午餐。

